I thoroughly recommend this recipe, unless you are trying to loose weight. The bagels turned out really nice.


7.8 cups Bread flour
2.5 cups Water
1.5 tsp instant yeast
2.8 tsp Salt
1 tsp Malt syrup or honey


Dissolve 1 tsp yeast in 2,5 cups of lukewarm water. Add 4 cups flower and mix well.

Leave to rise for 2 hours and then add the rest of the ingredients (1/2 tsp yeast, 3,75 cup flower, salt and syrup).

Knead the dough for 10 minutes and then cut it into 12 pieces. Form each piece into a ball.

Rest the balls under a towel for 20 minutes and then poke a hole in the middle with your thumb to form donut shaped forms.

Rest it for another 20 minutes preferably on a baking plate wrapped in a plastic bag.

Then boil the dough in water for a minute on eigther side, put on some topping and whack it into your oven at 260°C.

Leave it there for 5 minutes, then rotate the pan and leave it there for another 5 minutes. Your bagels are now ready.